Category: Fettig, Art
Bad Day – by Art Fettig
Have you ever had a bad day? Let’s put it this way, the best thing that has happened to me today, so far, is when my computer crashed. Before that it had been downhill all day. Can you feel my pain. Yet!
Hog Dealers – by Art Fettig
One time early in my career as a professional speaker I had a call from the Iowa Hog Grower Association and they wanted me to do a banquet speech for their members at an annual meeting.
You can sell your writing – by Art Fettig
Over the years people have asked me, “Art, did you ever teach regular courses at schools and such?
Teacher, Teacher – by Art Fettig
I believe that right now, our American teachers are facing one of the most challenging times in American History. I’m praying for them.
‘Heeeeeeerrrrrrrr’s Charlie!’ by Art Fettig
Many years ago it used to tick me off when watching the Johnny Carson Show. Ed McMahon, the M.C., would say “Now H – e – r – e ‘ s Johnny!” and the audience would go nuts, a screaming and cheering and a hollerin’ and Johnny would slowly strut around like a cock rooster…