Why Run?

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White House

I watched most of the recent Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Debate and then asked myself “Why would anyone in their right mind want to become President?”  Fame? Glory? Prestige? Money? The basics – food, shelter, clothing, sex?  No way!  Safety? Huh. Ego?  Self-actualization? Just think it would look good on your resume?  Your Mom would be so proud of you? You’d finally prove to that rotten tenth grade history teacher that he was wrong?

Because you are a true Patriot? You feel deep in your heart that you are the only one that can save this nation?  You are a glutton for punishment?  You like the sound of the title, President of the United States, Commander In Chief of the United States Armed Forces? Because it might be fun? You just like big white houses?  Your psychotherapist dared you to do it? If you can run a city or a state a nation should be a cinch.  Just because it is there. First America and then next THE WHOLE WORLD! It might save your marriage? Besides who said you had to be in your right mind?


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