When You Are Kind, People Will Remember You – By Ross Reck

Bun Maple Bar

Our family vacationed in Southwestern Michigan where my wife and I grew up for years. I would buy gas, bottled water and sodas at a Shell station which also had a convenience store. One of the ladies who worked behind the counter was especially friendly and we struck up a casual friendship. I would refer to her as “Smiley” and she referred to me as “Hon” until she learned my name was Ross. After a while, as I left, we blew each other kisses. Several weeks ago, my wife and I went back there for a week with our family—it had been at least four years if not more since we had gone back. I was buying gas at that same Shell station. After I filled my tank, I went into the store to see if my friend was still working there. When I looked across the counter, I didn’t see her. I went over to the candy section to see if I could find a maple Bun Bar for my wife. I must have walked up and down that candy section for at least five minutes when I heard a voice say, “Are you looking for something in particular?” I turned and it was my friend. She said, “I thought that was you. Your name is Ross, right?” She came out from behind the counter, we gave each other a very heart-felt hug and proceeded to catch up on what had gone on in each other’s lives. What a thrill the experience was and thinking about this meeting still warms my heart—as I think it will for a long time.
