This is the time of the year when retail clerks catch a lot of undeserved verbal abuse from the people they’re trying to serve. Stores are crowded, people are in a hurry, check-out lines are long and tempers are short. Under these circumstances, a kind word or gesture from you can brighten a retail clerk’s day.
I read where one person carried small packets of M&Ms in his pocket to give to clerks as he was going through the check-out process. He would simply put it in their hand and say, “I hope your day is going well.” Showing an interest in their welfare can also brighten their day. During last year’s holiday season, I was checking out in a grocery store and I asked the clerk how her day was going.
She responded with, Wow! Somebody asked me how my day is going; now there’s a switch! We then proceeded to have a very pleasant conversation. Several days later, I was back at that same grocery store and the check-out lines were long. That same clerk spotted me and said, “I’ll open my register for you. Come with me.” I then let her know how much I appreciated her kindness. She looked at me and said, “We always remember the nice ones.” So, take the time to spread a little joy among retail clerks this holiday season. It will brighten their day and yours as well.
Recommended Reading

Leading from the Back: To Achieve The Impossible
Are you looking for a leadership model that is uncomplicated, easy to use and produces amazing results? If so, then Leading from the Back is for you! In it you will find everything you need to become a superstar leader. You will learn how to earn respect from your team members and help them in achieving the impossible. No more learning about numerous principles and laws of leadership. Just a three-part model that has an amazing track record of proven success.
Through an engaging parable about the travails of an upcoming young manager, Shiv Kundra, whose leadership style hampers both his ability to lead and his ability to deliver, the authors outline the fascinating concept of ‘leading from the back’.
Leading from the Back is a distillation of the collective experience and wisdom of Ravi Kant (former CEO, vice chairman, Tata Motors), Harry Paul (co-author of the bestseller FISH! A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results) and Ross Reck (co-author of The Win-Win Negotiator).
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