Performing Tiny Acts of Kindness Can Transform Our Lives – by Dr. Ross Reck

Door Knob

English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley (author of Brave New World written in 1932) was often asked, “What is the most effective technique for transforming my life (meaning what can I do to make changes leading to a noticeably better or more fulfilling version of myself).” He said, “It’s a little embarrassing, that after years and years of research and experimentation, I have to say the answer is, just be a little kinder.” Notice, he didn’t say, be a lot kinder, just a little kinder. Little things like, smiling at someone, opening the door for someone, holding the door for someone who is behind you, paying someone a compliment or listening to someone can make all the difference in another person’s day. They can also transform you into a better and more fulfilling version of yourself.



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