There is a Way to Pay for a Nationalized Health Care Program that Would Make Everyone Happy by Ross Reck

Right now, nobody seems to be happy with President Obama’s proposed health care program.  The doctors don’t like it because it stresses cost containment which would interfere with their individual prerogative to practice medicine the way they feel it should be practiced and it would also make it that much more difficult for them to get rich while practicing medicine.  The pharmaceutical companies don’t like it because it means less profit for them.  It’s the same with the hospitals. The tax payers don’t like it, because it’s going to cost them a bundle.  There is, however a way to fund this expensive program that will make everyone happy-fund it with the profits from government run companies.  The federal government already owns controlling interest in GM and Chrysler.  Why not funnel all the profits from these two companies into the President’s health care program.  The government should also get back into the banking business and funnel those profits into the health care program.  It should then buy large amounts of stock in companies like Microsoft, Nordstrom, Cisco Systems, Starbuck’s, Wegmans Food Markets and funnel those profits into the President’s health care program.  Pretty soon, you have enough non-tax payer money to fund a first class health care program that would make everyone happy.  Citizens would have complete access to the best health care in the world; doctors would continue to maintain their independence and would be able to pursue their dreams of accumulating vast amounts of wealth.  The pharmaceutical companies would continue to make money hand over fist as would the hospitals.  And, all this would happen at no cost to the tax payer!  What’s there not to get here?


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