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No, it isn’t July 4th yet but I think it might be a good time for all of us to get a good shot of patriotism right now! Today!. 

Here is a poem I wrote back in 1975 getting ready for America’s Bicentennial.

A Verse by Art Fettig
Copyright © 1987 Art Fettig

Of 1776, what was the spirit?
Revolution? Freedom? Independence?
No. I think the prevailing spirit
Was selling.
Selling one another. Selling like selling
Had never been done before. Or since.
Salesmen saying, “But as for me,
Give me liberty or give me death.”
Saying, “I only regret that I have but one life
To give for my country.”
Saying, “Let us all hang together,
Or assuredly we will hang alone. “
And signing, “We mutually pledge to each other
Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. ”
Selling the world an exciting concept; that men,
And women, could rule their own destiny.
And what is wrong with America today
Will be made right again with selling.
Selling the dedication and devotion and
That mutual concern that made it all begin.

Recommended Reading

Art Fettig's The Platinum Rule
Art Fettig’s The Platinum Rule – Available from

The Platinum Rule by Art Fettig

The Age Old Secret to Happiness and Prosperity. If you believe in the Golden Rule then, just maybe, you are one of those fortunate few who are ready to take a giant step forwaqrd in your lives to fame, fortune and a great new plateau of personal satisfaction.

Art Fettig has identified a little known key to wealth and happiness in his book The Platinum rule. I hope that millions of people discover this little book and apply this giving formula. Trul their lives will be enriched and certainly this will be a better world.” – The Wickman Formula, Executive Press 1991


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