Taking a Few Moments to Appreciate the Beauty Around You Can Set the Tone for the Rest of Your Day – by Ross Reck

Smelling the Roses

I have always appreciated the phrase “stop and smell the roses.” Not long ago, I was out for a morning walk while feeling a bit frustrated because a project I was working on wasn’t progressing the way I wanted it to. As I continued to walk, my nose picked up the aroma of something sweet. The further I walked, the stronger it got. I soon came to someone’s yard that had a good-sized lattice structure of star jasmine in full bloom. The fragrance was amazing! I stood there for several minutes and inhaled the sweetness over and over deeply. As I did, I could feel the tension I was experiencing start to leave my body. When I returned home, my mind was clear, and my body was relaxed. When I returned to my project, things progressed far more smoothly than they had before I took my walk. So, the next time you’re feeling a bit frustrated with something, get outside and take some time to appreciate the beauty around you. You’ll find that doing so will set the tone for the rest of your day.
