Steven Mnuchin Tries to Block Release of Heckling Video

Instead of simply dealing with several students heckling him, he tries to block the release of the video.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was taunted with hisses, heckles and profanity during a lecture and moderated discussion at U.C.L.A. this week. Protesters were carried out by armed police officers. A sixth grader in the audience questioned him about the fairness of passing permanent tax cuts for companies and expiring cuts for individuals. But the official video footage of the university’s Arnold C. Harberger Lecture, hosted by the Burkle Center for International Relations, is nowhere to be found. That is because Mr. Mnuchin took the unusual step of revoking his consent for it to be released given the contentiousness of the event. [efn_note]The New York Times, Alan Rappeport, March 1, 2018 – Mnuchin Blocks U.C.L.A. From Releasing Video of Students Heckling Him[/efn_note]


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