Sinema Turned Her Back On Arizona

Senator Kyrsten Sinema
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Emily’s List, the national group that backs female Democrats who support abortion rights, said Tuesday that it will no longer endorse Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) because she opposes changing Senate rules to pass voting rights legislation. [efn_note]The Washington Post, Felicia Sonmez, January 18, 2022 – Emily’s List says it will no longer endorse Sen. Sinema as she holds firm on filibuster[/efn_note]

The abortion rights groups Emily’s List and NARAL pulled their support from Sinema over the filibuster vote. [efn_note]The Washington Post, Griff Witte, January 22, 2022 – Arizona Democratic Party votes to censure Sinema, citing filibuster vote – The decision reflects the growing estrangement between the first-term senator and her party[/efn_note]

“I’m livid. I can only call her a turncoat,” Dunn said. “I feel betrayed.” [efn_note], Cameron Joseph, January 21, 2022 – ‘People Need to Know She Sucks’: Kyrsten Sinema’s Volunteers, Ex-Staff Are Fed Up[/efn_note]

U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is growing increasingly isolated from some of her party’s most influential officials and donors after playing a key role in scuttling voting rights legislation that many consider essential to preserving democracy. [efn_note], Associated Press, January 22, 2022 – Last straw: Fed-up Arizona Democrats censure Sen. Sinema[/efn_note]


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