Ross Reck: Improving Your Effectiveness In Dealing With People

Make me feel important!

Mary Kay
A Legacy of Giving

Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, said many times, “Everyone has an invisible sign hanging around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important!’”  What Mary Kay meant was that people have a very strong need to have their worth validated on a regular basis.  She also went on to say, “Never forget this message when working with people.”  So, if you want to improve your effectiveness in dealing with people, take it upon yourself to validate this need.  Put a smile on your face and say or do something that brightens the day of everyone you come into contact with.

For example, greet them by name, hand them a flower, give them a hug, complement them on what they’re wearing, something they’ve done or their smile.  This will take very little effort on your part, but you will make that other person’s day which will make you feel good and now that person is looking for and opportunity to do something nice for you.


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