Reproductive Freedom

The ACLU of Arizona Responds

“A decision about having a baby or having an abortion is a deeply personal, private decision best left to a woman, her family, and her doctor. Yet some politicians remain obsessed with interfering. Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed today, and it’s incredibly safe. But laws that make it difficult if not impossible for a woman to get an abortion if she needs one, particularly if she is poor, are increasing at an alarming pace. Since 2011, states have enacted more restrictions to abortion than they did in the previous 10 years combined. Extremist politicians continue to work to shut down women’s health centers, cut off access to affordable birth control, and shame women who have abortions.” [efn_note]ACLU of Arizona – Reproductive Freedom[/efn_note]

  • Arizona for Reproductive Freedom Initiative
    Clothes Hanger

    Flight Like Your Rights Depend On It

    This amendment would provide a state constitutional right to reproductive freedom in Arizona, which includes but is not limited to the right to make and effectuate decisions regarding “prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.” The measure would also provide a right to a surgical or medical abortion until the point of viability in the pregnancy. Under this measure, viability is defined as “the point in a pregnancy at which … there is a reasonable likelihood of sustained fetal survival outside the uterus with or without artificial support.” [efn_note] – Arizona Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative (2022)[/efn_note]

    EJ Montini Opinion – An Arizona voter initiative may be the only way to salvage women’s reproductive rights

    “It’s a question too big to be decided by a slim Republican majority in the Arizona Legislature. It’s a question that should be decided by us.” [efn_note], EJ Montini, June 24, 2022 – An Arizona voter initiative may be the only way to salvage women’s reproductive rights[/efn_note]

    Arizona – Help Sign the Petition