Religious Liberty is at Stake

The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), the United Church of Christ and BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty) File Brief


Read the Brief (PDF)

The Issue: A public high school coach demands the right to lead players and others in prayer on the field following games before his official duties have concluded. [efn_note], Kennedy v. Bremerton[/efn_note]

The Position: Protecting religious freedom in the public schools means ensuring that students can express their religion in ways that do not interfere with education and that public school employees in their official capacity do not advance or denigrate religion. [efn_note], Kennedy v. Bremerton[/efn_note]

High school football coach Joseph Kennedy, who refused to stop holding post-game prayers on the field and later sued the Bremerton, Wash., school district. Kennedy claims his 50-yard line prayers were private prayers protected by the First Amendment. [efn_note]Baptist News Global, Charles Haynes, April 20, 2022 – At the Supreme Court: The First Amendment on the 50-yard line [/efn_note]


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