Recent Nuggets …
- Lately I have noticed that people have changed their manner of greeting me when I walk up to them at a yard sale or such. Over the years I have become accustomed to greetings like “Whatta ya say man?”
- “When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, like …
- Judge issues humiliating smackdown of Trump lawyers in …
- ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton | Nov. 13, 2020 …
- 71st Annual Peabody Awards Luncheon Waldorf-Astoria …
- President Donald Trump has been bending and breaking laws all of his life. Michael Cohen, his longtime personal lawyer, stated under oath that Trump directed him to violate federal campaign finance law; the state of New York has evidence that Trump and his family have been cheating on their taxes for years; the Trump family’s “persistently illegal conduct” and “repeated and willful self-dealing transactions” have led the New York attorney general to file a lawsuit against the Trump Foundation. The list goes on.
- ““I came here to fight,” a Trump supporter …
- I watched the movie Jumbo about a circus elephant and my wife Jean asked me “Art, did you see a circus very often when you were a kid?” And BOOM!!! It all came rushing back to my memory. I had a booking for the Michigan School Administrators or Principals, someone, and it was at the Amway Grand in Grand Rapids and we couldn’t leave the hotel.
- …
- Stories You Must Read, Unique Smith, …
- Great Resources TechSmith – How to Make a …
- Art Fettig was certified as a “Speaking Professional” in 1980 by the National Speakers Association. He is the veteran of some 4,000 professional presentations in all 50 of the United States, 8 Canadian Provinces and a number of foreign countries. He is a prolific author with 35 books including many children’s books.
- Did you ever get the news that someone you’ve known for a long time had passed away and you got the feeling inside that that friend had just waited too long? Maybe it was that they just waited too long to use their special talent waiting for somebody to pay them big bucks for trying.
- Music by Art Fettig and Greg Brayton It is strange, …
- I had an unusual experience while visiting Ayr Mount. I met a fine artist from England. I’m not sure if he now lives here or was visiting. He just turned 80 and when I told him I was 91 and still write and speak some he asked, “What have you finished in the past ten years?”
- March 3, 2017 – The Trump administration is …
- We can use your help – Click Here We can use …
- Lightspeed: The Ghostly Aether and the Race to Measure …
- It was in mid-May, 1991 and I was on a small Air Canada scheduled flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia and as we approached for a landing there was a dense fog. The plane drifted down, and then suddenly the engine roared and we soared into the air. Luckily I had a seasoned flyer sitting in a seat next to me and he advised me that this happened all the time, that we would just fly around and approach the landing again until we had a break in the fog.
- Let’s get 1,000 replies: #LindseyMustGo is trending. …
- You will find more infographics at Statista …
- Have you ever had a bad day? Let’s put it this way, the best thing that has happened to me today, so far, is when my computer crashed. Before that it had been downhill all day. Can you feel my pain. Yet!
- I don’t consider myself a “loser”, …
- Two of the most popular are: …
- One time early in my career as a professional speaker I had a call from the Iowa Hog Grower Association and they wanted me to do a banquet speech for their members at an annual meeting.
- In there own words… THEY CALLED HIM THESE …
- Over the years people have asked me, “Art, did you ever teach regular courses at schools and such?
- The Madman Theory: Trump Takes On the World by Jim …
- Image by Mary Pahlke from Pixabay If this …
- Persistence means to stay the course in pursuing your goals in spite of whatever difficulties or opposition you may run into. Stubbornness, on the other hand, is more along the lines of: “My mind is made up, so don’t confuse me with the facts.”
- I believe that right now, our American teachers are facing one of the most challenging times in American History. I’m praying for them.
- Bankruptcies during President Obama’s …
- The Spanish Flu was in 1918 and WWII ended in 1945. …
- Many years ago it used to tick me off when watching …
- Many years ago it used to tick me off when watching the Johnny Carson Show. Ed McMahon, the M.C., would say “Now H – e – r – e ‘ s Johnny!” and the audience would go nuts, a screaming and cheering and a hollerin’ and Johnny would slowly strut around like a cock rooster and just bask away in that fantastic standing ovation.
- This week, a photograph emerged of Liberty University …
- You will find more infographics at Statista…
- Thousands of US veterans are now receiving …
- More lies out of the White House. Shame! Dow Jones …
- Available from Drawing on history, public …
- Amy, my daughter in San Diego, a very busy bi-lingual BSN Senior Case Manager and a Blue Ribbon Award winning quilter extraordinaire, has created a wonderful quilt for me to wrap up in when I doze in my Lazy Boy rocker. She named it “Growth Unlimited” . What a memorable gift! What a blessing! What a labor of love.
- Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains the …
- The “friendly” people of Harrison, …
- When White Boy Rick Wershe, an FBI snitch who spend three decades in prison was released, he wore a shirt that said Free Big Meech? What was that about? The answer appears to be Hollywood money
- Is Coronavirus More Severe Than The Flu …
- Rep. Yoho (R-FL) Resigns Ted Yoho resigns from the …
- In reviewing a CD of a talk I gave for the U.S. Army …
- Will Knight is the son of a first-generation Latina immigrant and an American expat who met and married in Popayan, Colombia, where Will was born. From early in life, Will has known the value of a criminal justice system responsive to the needs and concerns of individual victims as well as the community at large.
- I never attended college. I earned just one-half credit for attending a course on Overcoming the Fear of Computers at our Community College.
- Many years ago in Michigan I was a member of the Battle Creek chapter of the Lions organization. We had an annual meeting where each of us was assigned a blind person in our community to bring as a guest to dinner at the hotel where we met. Instead of bringing a guest I made arrangements with my blind buddy, Harold Rowley to participate in a little experiment. Harold had lost his sight when he was a very young child.
- There are many people that have words of optimism …
- Little did I know that evening at Bryant,Ohio when I stood in front of that audience some fifty years ago that I was embarking on a great adventure that would require travel to 50 of our United States, 7 Canadian Provinces and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hong Kong to the Arctic Circle and hither and yon.
- …
- North Carolina. When I was widowed in 1993 I buried myself in work and it was several years before I took to courtin’. One thing I knew though was that I was tired of the cold Michigan winter weather and snow.
- Did you ever try to locate something and you just couldn’t find it, but you found something much better? Well that happened and I found a little book my daughter Nancy presented to me on my birthday ten years ago. It is precious. What a perfect thing to read for Father’s Day. There is no title on it but the last words of the dedication say, “Oh my Papa, to me you are so wonderful.” There are eleven stories, each one more special to me than the last.
- The Dancin’ Rag The story behind “The …
- Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, Sexy, and …
- …
- God, how the world needs a good shot of happiness and positive thinking right now, this minute, if not sooner. Enough gloom. Let’s think about sunshine and happiness and smiling too. Let’s think about that greatness that is in you.
- Are you staying home as you read this because of the coronavirus? Well for folks married or otherwise this can be quite a challenge. It might be quite a strain. I’ve read that the sales of alcohol, illegal drugs and porno are soaring. Mental health problems, suicide and spouse abuse are skyrocketing. Oh where is the relief we seek?
- A conservative group’s protest called …
- When I was a student at the University of Detroit High School my English teacher in the eleventh grade was named Father Skiffington.
- Reckless and irresponsible. [efn_note]CBS News, Jason …
- Is there anybody out there still reading this? I hope a few will respond. After watching the news one wonders. Leave your comments below near the bottom of the page.
- Trump “Fiddled” while People Died How can …
- Several steps have been outlined by the experts. File …
- Wash your hands. That is the mantra we are hearing …
- In this time of turmoil let us pray.. I believe that right now this might be the greatest crisis that we have faced as a nation. Fear appears to have overcome this whole world and it is a time for prayer. Early in my life I discovered this Prayer of St. Francis and only recently have I realized that the prayer itself is a menu of ways that we might individually serve as an instrument of the Lord’s Peace. Examine the words of this prayer yourself and see if one particular mission might call out to you.
- Instead of Orange-Faced, Trump Should Be Red-Faced A …
- Who cares about ethics? Assets held by President …
- My academic career left a lot to be desired. Not only was I a poor student but I was a troublesome one too. My graduation yearbook lists my achievement as spending the most time in the jug (after school detention) than anyone in the history of the University of Detroit High School; a dubious distinction indeed.
- Follow The Money $5,600, the maximum allowed for the …
- In 1975 then President of the United States, Gerald Ford had to cancel his speech for the Michigan Petroleum Association’s Annual meeting at the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan. The Petroleum Association President called me and hired me to speak as the replacement for President Ford.
- God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
- Do Your Research United States …
- The impeached President’s supporters Senator …
- The National Prayer Breakfast is a thing that is not …
- End Citizens United There’s no way around it: The …
- It looks Trump is starting a war with Iran. Hundreds …
- It is just January 2nd as I write this but this is my third day of high productivity. I cheated and started early. First thing I did was weigh myself.
- Do Be Fooled by Trump’s Lies Voo-doo Magic So …
- The following article was received via email shortly …
- Here I go again! I don’t know about you but it seems like every year, a few days after Christmas I get all antsy and I feel compelled to write down a whole bunch of impossible resolutions.
- We came across an interesting article by Vince Wade …
- Until a year ago, I rarely dealt with the bank branch that handled my business account. Those transactions were always handled by an associate.
- Martin Scorsese’s new gangster film epic, “The Irishman” would seem to be a slam-dunk winner. It has an all-star cast, featuring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci. It showcases state-of-the-art special effects which have “de-aged” De Niro and Pacino. And Scorsese is widely regarded as one of the best directors in Hollywood. But the film has one big problem. The film story line is not true.
- A perceptive, smart-ass newspaper columnist named H.L. Mencken made that prediction in 1920, nearly a century ago.
- Twenty women who have faced extraordinary challenges and have overcome hardships are profiled in a new documentary-style exhibit at Flagstaff’s Pioneer Museum. It’s called “Resilience: Women in Flagstaff’s Past and Present.”
- The Final Minutes of President Obama’s Farewell …
- There’s one thing that unites everyone who works at PetSmart: we all love pets. Cats, dogs, goldfish, parakeets, hamsters – you name it, we love them. Every day, we bring our passion together to create something amazing: a place for our many best friends to be healthy, happy and to keep those tails wagging!
- It’s time to vote for equal rights
- On February 17, 1998 I was a guest speaker at the Florence Crane Women’s Facility, A Maximum Security Prison. This story that follows is about that day.
- Although not currently available on the Arizona Department of Transportation’s website, there are nine cameras that now monitor traffic along the critical route into the City of Maricopa.
- This program allows citizens and business owners to register the locations of their video surveillance systems with the Maricopa Police Department. When a crime occurs, we will be able to identify the locations of video surveillance systems and enlist the assistance of citizens to help us collect video evidence.
- Anchor, reporter. References: Facebook…
- Adam Polaski from Freedom for all Americans writes, “Carl Mangold is something of an expert in helping people better understand themselves, their feelings, and the world around them.
- Alia Beard Rau writes for the Arizona Republic and, “U.S. District Court Judge John Sedwick has ordered Arizona to pay $200,000 in legal fees in one of the two cases that challenged the state’s ban on same-sex couples marrying.
- Bruce St. James and Pamela Hughes from KTAR …
- One of the staples of Hollywood B-movies in years past was to take themes from horror or monster films with adult casts and apply them to movies with teenaged casts; I Was a Teenage Werewolf, I Was a Teenage Frankenstein, I Was a Teenage Zombie, etc.
- Richard J. Wershe, Jr., better known to some as White Boy Rick, is a sinner. There isn’t any argument about that. He is the first to admit it.