One Way to Make Your Life More Enjoyable by Ross Reck


One of the best ways to make your life more enjoyable is to make it easy for people to be kind to you. And the easiest way to do this is to be kind and positive. People absolutely love to be kind to positive people because it’s pleasant and fun. When you approach them, they greet you with a smile and say something like, “Hi! It’s good to see you! How have you been?” They make you feel like you want to spend your whole day with them. Everywhere they go, they run into people who want to be kind to them. Being on the receiving end of all this kindness is what makes life enjoyable. On the other hand, people are reluctant to be kind to grumpy, negative people because it’s not pleasant. These people scowl, speak gruffly and when you approach them, they make you feel like you just got caught trespassing on their private property. So, the last thing you want to do is spend time with them. I overheard someone telling a negative person that she wouldn’t be able to take her to the grocery the next day. She snapped back and said, “Well, I guess I don’t eat tomorrow!” and walked away. There may be a few people who will be kind to these people out of a sense of duty, but it’s nothing compared to the amount of kindness a positive person receives. We all have a choice. Do we want an enjoyable happy life, or do we want an unhappy lonely one?