Nothing Else in Life Guarantees What Kindness Does – by Ross Reck


Kindness often gets dismissed as a trifling activity and yet nothing has the power to impact our life more and the results for being kind are guaranteed! Numerous studies show how kind people are healthier, live longer, feel better about themselves, are more popular, more productive, enjoy greater success in business, have better relationships and are happier than those who aren’t kind. On top of that, kind people experience less pain, stress, anxiety, depression, live more interesting and fulfilling lives and they never walk alone through adversity because they’re surrounded by friends. As Piero Ferrucci, world-renowned psychologist, and author of The Power of Kindness states in his book, “It (kindness) has surprising power to transform us, perhaps more than any other attribute or technique.” In other words, nothing else in life guarantees what kindness does.
