No Parachute – by Art Fettig

When did you suspect that you might be jumping off a cliff without a parachute?

Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo
Originally published on January 23, 2012

In This Issue

  • No parachute
  • Say Something Good
  • Points To Ponder
  • A Little Humor
  • Quote

No Parachute

When asked what surprised him most about humanity, the Dalai Lama answered, “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

When is the last time you tried something really new? When did you suspect that you might be jumping off a cliff without a parachute? Every now and then when I try something new, when I find myself in front of a really different audience daring to try something I have never dared before I have a moment of doubt just before I begin. There is a little choking in my throat and a thought might dart through my mind, “Why are you doing this? Why didn’t you just stay back there in your comfort zone?” And later, after the presentation is over and whether I won or lost I have a feeling of accomplishment. OK, so most of the time I feel that thrill of doing something new and it worked out but even when things go wrong I feel good that I tried it and that I survived and I try hard to stand back and learn as much as I might from the experience.

I keep remembering something I heard a great speaker named Larry Wilson once said about hell. He said he believe that hell would be somewhere that you would be shown all that you might have done with your talents and your opportunities and then put somewhere that you could do nothing about it.

We all have talents, we all have opportunities but do we have the spunk, the courage to try something new?

I’m working on it.

Say Something Good

Laughter. On my bucket list one of the goals is to laugh so hard that tears run down my cheeks. It has been a while but yesterday I was searching the web and thought back to some of the funniest comedy I could remember. I immediately thought of Steve Allen. He was first host of The Tonight Show and he drew great comedians to his program. I came upon this cut and I found myself laughing out loud. It might not put even a smile on your face but we all need a great laugh and perhaps it will put a smile on your face. May God put a smile on the face of every American and bless our country and please God, bring our troops home.

Points To Ponder

In negotiation, “yes” is the worst word. It just betrays fear of failure and a fear of losing this deal, and it primes you to please the other side, to rush ahead, to compromise early and often, to come to a deal, any deal. Jim Camp

A Little Humor

How does a pregnant woman know she is carrying a future Politician? She has an extreme craving for baloney.(This has been edited.)


Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are. – Bernice Johnson Reagon

Recommended Reading

Art Fettig's The Platinum Rule
Art Fettig’s The Platinum Rule – Available from

The Platinum Rule by Art Fettig

The Age Old Secret to Happiness and Prosperity. If you believe in the Golden Rule then, just maybe, you are one of those fortunate few who are ready to take a giant step forwaqrd in your lives to fame, fortune and a great new plateau of personal satisfaction.

Art Fettig has identified a little known key to wealth and happiness in his book The Platinum rule. I hope that millions of people discover this little book and apply this giving formula. Trul their lives will be enriched and certainly this will be a better world.” – The Wickman Formula, Executive Press 1991


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