Brightening other people’s days often involves gestures of kindness like smiling or saying something positive to them. This makes them feel good and puts them in a positive frame of mind. But, if you really want to make the most out of brightening someone’s day, it’s important that your gestures of kindness don’t come across as a monologue; where you smile, say something positive and then move on. Rather, your kindness gestures need to be a dialogue–a conversation where you create opportunities for the other person to talk while you listen. For example, when you ask someone how things are going and they respond with something like “Great” or “Fantastic,” don’t let it end there and move on. Instead, take the extra moment and say something that begs a response like “Oh really” or “Tell me more.” Doing this sends that person a convincing message that that you really do care about them which will not only brighten their day but probably their entire week.
Recommended Reading

Leading from the Back: To Achieve The Impossible
Are you looking for a leadership model that is uncomplicated, easy to use and produces amazing results? If so, then Leading from the Back is for you! In it you will find everything you need to become a superstar leader. You will learn how to earn respect from your team members and help them in achieving the impossible. No more learning about numerous principles and laws of leadership. Just a three-part model that has an amazing track record of proven success.
Through an engaging parable about the travails of an upcoming young manager, Shiv Kundra, whose leadership style hampers both his ability to lead and his ability to deliver, the authors outline the fascinating concept of ‘leading from the back’.
Leading from the Back is a distillation of the collective experience and wisdom of Ravi Kant (former CEO, vice chairman, Tata Motors), Harry Paul (co-author of the bestseller FISH! A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results) and Ross Reck (co-author of The Win-Win Negotiator).
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