Joe Connolly and Terry Pochert Featured in ‘The Concord’

Faith and Justice Call Us to Court – Lutheran couple first to challenge Arizona marriage ban.


Terry Pochert and Joe Connolly
JJ Johnson Terry Pochert and Joe Connolly – Photo by JJ Johnson / Intrinsic Imagery

In January of 2014, Joseph Connolly (above right) and Terry Pochert (above left) were the first couple in Arizona to file a lawsuit to remove the state’s ban on same-gender marriage. In October of that same year, U.S. District Judge John W. Sedwick did just that, declaring Arizona’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, immediately ordering the state not to enforce it.

Terry and I are often asked, “What led you to bring a case challenging the Arizona ban on same-gender marriage?” Our answers: God, faith, freedom of religion, equal rights, social justice, But Terry and I credit two church communities, Faith Lutheran and University Lutheran, both in the Phoenix area, for the victory for marriage equality in Arizona in 2014. Here’s how we got there….

In 1995, Terry and I met in the Detroit, Michigan, suburbs. Terry was the organist at his small ELCA congregation in Novi, Michigan. While Terry welcomed me to attend his church, I was hesitant. I joked I didn’t want to be the organist’s boyfriend but, in reality, I wasn’t ready to go back. I was afraid I wouldn’t feel welcome. I was afraid our relationship would have an impact on his position and his membership in the congregation. …. the story continues.

All About Reconciling Works / Lutherans For Full Participation – ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation advocates for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church and congregations. We provide a place of comfort and safety. We reach out to teach that Christ’s message, the Gospel, is for everyone equally. We advocate for systemic change in policy and practice in church and society, working to alleviate not only the painful symptoms of oppression but also to eliminate its root causes.


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