Is the Republican Party Like Sheep Going to the Slaughter?


The novel “Far from the Madding Crowd” by Thomas Hardy has an interesting story about sheep in Chapter Five.  Some of compared this story to the current Republican Party.

One of the younger dogs by the name of George (often compared to Trump) chased a large flocks of sheep through a broken fence over a cliff.  The dog George simply stayed at the edge of the cliff until the owner of the flock discovered several hundred dead sheep killed when they fell over the cliff.

The dog, George, kind of reminds of Trump.  His “flock” simply follows blindly leading them into their untimely death.

The owner of the flock finally destroys the dog.  Is this the fate of the former president?  Will he be destroyed along with the downfall of the Republican Party?

Who knows, but this is certainly an interesting comparison.

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