Thoughts and Creative Nuggets that Change People’s Lives
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Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo
November 14, 2011
In This Issue
- If You Were Running
- Say Something Good
- Points To Ponder
- A Little Humor
- Quote of the Week

If You Were Running
What if you woke up tomorrow morning and discovered that you were running for the high office of President of the United States? Would you find yourself going “Daaa” or maybe you would discover a growing line up of unhappy women accusing you of improper behavior ten or twenty or maybe in my case sixty-five or more years ago.
Think of all of the unpleasant actions you committed in the past that you might have to come face to face with and all of the pressure situations such as debates that you would have to face. Imagine facing all of your past failings, indiscretions, failures. And what about asking all your friends for money for your campaign? Would you still have any friends after such an action? Imagine having to come up with a billion dollars for your campaign without compromising every high ideal you ever held. If I woke up in that situation I know darn well that the first thing that I would do is find out how I might withdraw at the earliest moment.
Think of the people you have worked with in your lifetime; the romances you have had; all of those things that have happened in your lifetime that you would sooner forget. Think about the other members of your family and what might be on the early morning TV show, things that might smear the good name of your relatives too.
I honestly think you have to be crazy to run for a high office in this nation today.
Now tell me the truth, aren’t you happier about being who you are and where you are doing what you are doing now? I sure am. They can take that job and shove it.
Say Something Good
“And crowned Thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. America. America.” Maybe I have told this story too many times but it just came into my mind again. In 1976 Doctor Carl Winter of Chicago and a few other members of The National Speakers Association joined together with an idea. As a part of our Bicentennial efforts we started encouraging people in our audiences across this nation to say something good about America to somebody every day. This little habit makes you look closer at this wonderful land that we live in and realize how blessed we are to be Americans. You might apply this same concept no matter what land you live in. I realize that this newsletter goes out to many foreign lands.It is easy to find fault…to complain…to criticize but to actually do something to make things better often takes continuing effort and courage too. Starting today, let us make a commitment to seek out the good here in our nation and make an effort to make American even better. May God bless our nation and bring home our troops.
In Session
Declaration of Interdependence
© Art Fettig 2011
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for an organization and its members to make a total uncompromising commitment to safety, for its future growth and for the good of all its employees,
And whereas, we the members of ________________do hereby resolve that we will do all in our power, every moment of every day, to make Safety the number one commitment in our planning and in the fulfillment of our other goals and activities.
Therefore, we do hereby declare and acknowledge our dependence upon one another. For the practice of safety is both a personal and mutual obligation.
We state our commitment in this verse titled
Our Sisters and Our Brothers Keepers
We are our sisters’ and our brothers’ keepers
For safety calls for our uncompromising commitment
To one another and to safety too. I promise I will positively interact
When I find you performing in an unsafe manner,
And I hereby give you permission and request that you
Positively interact with me if you find me performing in an unsafe manner.
We are human, you and I, and incidents and injuries occur
When we forget or just react wrongly,
Not doing what is right and reasonable for our own safety.
We are our sisters’ and our brothers’ keepers,
Trusting in one another for a safer world.
I promise to use the 101 hand signal and to acknowledge it
When it is received.
I also promise to be my own best friend and to do a 101 check on myself both on and off duty
when I am about to operate any motor vehicle.
And for the support of this Declaration,
we mutually pledge to each other, our lives,
our futures and our sacred honor.
Points to Ponder
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Steve Jobs
A Little Humor
If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.
Quote of the Week
Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. Paul Boese
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