Here’s A New Year’s Resolution We Can All Keep by Ross Reck

While many New Year’s resolutions such as losing weight, getting organized or expanding your horizons can be difficult to follow through on, here’s one that isn’t: be kind.  All you need to do is smile and say something positive to the people you come into contact with.  What you’ll find is that when you smile at people, they smile back–even people who are total strangers!  The same holds true when you say something positive.  And here’s the kicker: you’re the big winner in all this.  If you make it a point to be kind to others, you’ll find that you’re happier, feel much better about yourself, your relationships at work and home will improve and you’ll walk a little lighter and a little taller–you’ll also find the process of being kind a great deal of fun.  So what are you waiting for?  Get out there and start spreading some kindness.  Happy New Year!



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