Growing Up

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Tree Branches
Up… up… up

I heard the expression just the other day. “When are you going to grow up?” Fortunately it was not directed at me this time. Still, if I had to answer I might have admitted that I never want to grow up. Up seems so final. Peter Pan explained it to the children. “When you grow up you lose the magic.” And Mary Poppins explained it to the Banks twins when she told them, like it or not they will forget to talk with the animals as they grow up.

Up is like surrendering to old age. I want to keep on growing until the day I die. Perhaps we have a few too many grown ups in this old world who quit growing along the way. (😊They preferred not to grow uppity.)

I attended a class at the Senior Center recently and one of the topics was “How to get up after a fall.” Sounds good to me. That has been important to me in my life. Not how to get up from falling on the ground, that is important too, but how to get up after a rejection or a set back in some way. How to stick to a project when it is not going right.

I recall the words to a song from the past, “I just pick myself up and get back in the race.” Life would be pretty boring if it didn’t present us with a few obstacles every day for us to overcome, wouldn’t it?

So just let me keep on growing up…up…up. The greatest resource we have in this world is the human potential and I do believe that there is greatness in every one of us. Let’s figure this out and share it.


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