Excellent Advice for Those Who Want to Fail at Life


A friend of mine posted an Instagram photo on Facebook which contained the following message:

3 Ways to Fail at Everything in Life

  1. Blame all your problems on others.
  2. Complain about everything.
  3. Do not be grateful.

People who live by the above three principles spend most of their time making themselves and everyone around them miserable. These are the kind of people no one wants to be around because the experience is anything but pleasant. As a result, they travel through life pretty much alone. No one is there to help them along the way, pick them up when they’re down or offer encouragement when they need it. Their life is a lonely, dark, and pathetic journey with little or no love, fun or excitement. There really is no reason to live like this. If you’ve fallen into this kind of behavior pattern and want to turn the situation around, all you have to do is take ownership of your problems and do something about them, stop complaining and be thankful for the things you have. Remember the story of Scrooge in the movie A Christmas Carol. He had spent most of his life living the “3 Ways to Fail at Everything in Life.” He was always grumpy, and people were afraid of him, but when he turned things around, everyone embraced him, a smile returned to his face and life for him became good again.


  • RossReck.com


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