Coronavirus Trajectory

World Data

As the coronavirus spreads rapidly around the world, several countries seem to be moving along a similar upward trajectory. According to numbers by Johns Hopkins collected by the website Worldometers, case counts in the U.S., Germany and France have been growing at almost the same rate since hitting 100+ cases, which happened on February 29 in France, March 1 in Germany and March 2 in the U.S. Case counts in Spain sadly accelerated over the weekend and hit almost 8,000 on Sunday – meaning that cases numbers are growing faster than in Italy when the country was in the same stage of the outbreak that Spain is in now. [efn_note], Katharina Buchholtz, March 16, 2020 – Coronavirus: Upward Trajectory or Flattened Curve?[/efn_note]

Infographic: Coronavirus: Upward Trajectory or Flattened Curve? | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


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