Commencements by Art Fettig


Commencements. My step grand daughter is graduating from high school with all sorts of honors and I attended a program held in the school gym. It lasted almost forever and the seats were hard but it was a thrill to hear of the achievements of so many students. Many of them had received impressive scholarships and awards and as I listened I started thinking about how we never hear or read about this segment of the education scene here in America. So many wonderful students accomplishing so many awesome things and all we read about online or in the papers or see on TV is that two students broke into the school and trashed two classrooms or the report on another car crash involving students. Here in America we have a situation where we can be mighty proud of the achievement of the many, however, we only hear about the few. May God bless our students and our graduates and keep them safe. May God bless our troops and keep them out of harms way and may God continue to bless America.