When I was a kid we never had children’s sermons in church. The only sermons we got as kids was “Keep quiet and stop wiggling.” Perhaps that is why I accept the challenge to deliver a children’s sermon a few times each year. I work harder on those little sermons than anything else I do. I have always felt this need to speak to everyone in a room so that they get a personal message. In business situations I wanted to reach the workers and also management and somehow get them closer to one another. I guess that I still feel that way in church and I want my message to be received by the children but I guess that subconsciously, I am trying to deliver a message to the entire congregation. Last Sunday I talked about my list of ten reasons that I was thankful. It went OK but now as I look back at it I realize that there was a third audience I was trying to reach and that was myself. I too needed reminding what a wonderful life I live here in America with so many freedoms to enjoy. May God bless America and keep our troops from harm. [efn_note]Art Fettig, November 30, 2009 – Children’s Sermons[/efn_note]
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