Catholic Church Does It Again! Cruel Anti-LGBTQ Policies

“Green Bay, WI, Bishop David Ricken has just implemented a new policy in diocesan schools that, among other measures, hatefully bans trans students and staff from using their preferred pronouns, clothing, and bathrooms.

According to the Catholic LGBTQ organization New Ways Ministry, the policy also rejects the use of the words “lesbian” and “gay,” compares being queer to sexual abuse, and falsely accuses the LGBTQ community of trying to turn people gay.” [efn_note]Faithful America – Catholic bishop bans trans students from using their preferred pronouns and clothes[/efn_note]

“The Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, released a new policy regarding LGBTQ students in its Catholic Schools that equates being transgender to being sexually abused.

The Diocese, led by Bishop David Ricken, published the new gender policy last month in its Education Policy Manual for the 2022-2023 school year.” [efn_note]Metro Weekly, Joseph Reberkenny, July 26, 2022 – Green Bay Diocese Compares Being Trans to Sexual Abuse – New policy outlines ramifications for students, staff, or parents who affirm transgender identity, in opposition of Catholic doctrine.[/efn_note]