Category: Home
Being Kind to People on the Phone Can Make Your Life Much Easier – by Dr. Ross Reck
The auger in the ice maker in my refrigerator broke a while ago. I spoke with some people who know this business and they said I needed to purchase an ice bucket and auger assembly replacement, remove the old assembly and install the new one. I checked around and found that these assemblies are fairly…
Just Say No Rap / Just Say Yes Rap
Art Fettig is a professional speaker and the author of 22 published books. His Three Robot series of books for children are based on three fictional robots’ names, Pos, Semi-Pos and Neg. Fettig’s goal and mission in life is to bring positive living concepts to children and their parents.
About Art Fettig
In 1980, Art Fettig was certified as a “Speaking Professional” by the National Speakers Association. He is now a veteran of nearly 3,000 professional presentations to audiences around the world.
Team Online Workspace Platforms
We recommend reviewing the following platforms for Team Collaboration solutions.
Kind Acts Have a Powerful Impact on People’s Lives – by Dr. Ross Reck
When it comes to impacting people’s lives, nothing is more powerful than kindness. As Albert Schweitzer once said: “Constant kindness can accomplish much.