Category: Home
Why Run?
I watched most of the recent Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Debate and then asked myself “Why would anyone in their right mind want to become President?” Fame? Glory? Prestige? Money?
Looking Forward To Looking Back
Over the fifty years I’ve worked as a Professional Speaker I have made speeches in so many different fields and topics and some of my clients have made recordings of my work.
Taking a Risk is a No-Lose Situation – by Dr. Ross Reck
Taking a risk is one of the few “no lose” situations that life has to offer—if we succeed, we’re happy and excited, and if we fail, we have the opportunity to learn from the experience which makes it much more probable that we’ll succeed the next time around.
Operation Feint
It was mid October 1952 and I was an officer’s records clerk in the 99th Field Artillery, a private first class on a Landing Ship Troops (LST) headed towards North Korea.