Category: Home
The Volunteer
Give a cheer, give a cheer, for the Volunteer For while others say they’ll see to it, Give a cheer, give a cheer for the Volunteer For they simply go out and do it!
Is Obergefell v Hodges Going to be Overturned?
Michigan Representative Josh Schriver is set to introduce a resolution urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which has protected the right to same-sex marriage since 2015.
A Toast To Seniors
A Poem by Art Fettig Here’s to the Seniors, Survivors all. Many answered Their Nation’s call.
Arizona City Councilwoman Makes Libelous Comments about Tom Hanks
Jeannette Garcia – Another Baseless Claim? She claims and posted that Tom Hanks is a pedophile. She now is walking it back and changed her post which now says that she really meant “pedo” in Spanish which means “fart”.
Art Fettig – A Bit of Bio
Art Fettig is a successful corporate president, a publisher, author of 35 books now in print, and featured in over 50 videos.