Category: Home
Gaining Experience Is All About Learning From Our Failures – by Dr. Ross Reck
Few people will argue with the old adage that, “Experience is the best teacher.” Experience is all about trying something new, failing, learning from that failure, and then trying again until you get it right.
Turn Unexpected Delays Into Opportunities by Dr. Ross Reck
In today’s fast paced world, unexpected delays and interruptions are anything but welcome—in fact, they can be downright stressful. I’m talking about delayed flights, waiting to have a flat tire fixed and long lines at the Post Office. You can curse these delays if you choose, but that will only stress you and make the…
An Important life Lesson From Young Children: They Have No Fear Of Failure
Young children begin life with absolutely no fear of failure. Take learning how to walk, for example. We repeatedly failed over and over in our initial attempts, but we got back up and tried again with smiles on our faces. The same thing happened when we learned how to ride a bike. Growing up, it…
Performing Simple Acts of Kindness is a Low-Cost Treatment for Depression – by Dr. Ross Reck
According to an article by Dennis Thompson of HealthDay which appeared in the Arizona Republic, a growing body of research shows that performing simple acts of kindness like helping someone with their groceries, writing a thank-you note or even counting our blessings can serve as a low-cost treatment for depression.
Simply Saying Thank You Isn’t Enough – by Dr. Ross Reck
If you expect to achieve anything during your lifetime that is worthy of note, it’s important to remember one thing: you can’t do it by yourself, you need all the help you can get. So