Category: Home
Gardening: The Human Response to Nature’s Generosity – by Dr. Ross Reck
For a long time now, I have been observing gardeners—people who plant fruits, vegetables, and flowers in their yard. These people tend to be very energetic and seem to love what they do. My wife Marcia is one such person. She always has a smile and she’s always planting something.
It’s Impossible to Be Happy While Your Complaining – by Dr. Ross Reck
A former student of mine posted the following quote on Facebook: “Happiness comes a lot easier when you stop complaining about the problems you do have, and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.” Whenever things don’t go well in my life, I immediately try to think of someone who is…
Sometimes the Kindest Thing You Can Do is Listen – by Dr. Ross Reck
I came across a Facebook post by a radio talk show host in Phoenix who recently fostered then adopted a six-year-old girl whom he refers to as “Sister” in his post. It reads: “When Sister was first placed with us, she told us, ‘People say that I talk too much.’ And she seemed embarrassed about…
Taking a Book with You Makes Waiting go much Faster – by Dr. Ross Reck
When you go to places like a doctor’s office, an airport or a tire shop, chances are you’re going to do some waiting. I have found waiting to be much more tolerable if I have a book with me. The other day, the air conditioner in my car wasn’t working.
All of Us Need to Serve as Instruments of Validation – by Dr. Ross Reck
Validation reinforces a positive sense of worth in people and makes them feel really good about who they are. Furthermore, people who feel good about themselves do good things.