Category: Home
Even Rubio Seems to have Lost his Spine
Rubio sat spineless during Trump’s and Vance’s meltdown in the oval office, then has the “guts” to post the following. Thanks Rep. Eric Swalwell for casting a spotlight on the REAL Rubio.
Trump Sold Out America
Russia’s greatest military asset is not any bomb, tank, plane or ship. It is the Republican Party.
Trump Baits Ukraine, Embarrassed the United States
Trump Sides with Russia, Ambushes Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Arizona’s Water is Growing Alfalfa to Ship to Saudi Arabia
Arizona is leasing farmland to a Saudi water company, straining aquifers, and threatening future water supply in Phoenix. Fondomonte, a Saudi company, exports the alfalfa to feed its cows in the Middle East. The country has practically exhausted its own underground aquifers there. In Arizona, Fondomonte can pump as much water as it wants at…
Where Is The Love?
Recently in an exercise class we were requested to stand behind our chairs and march in place. It is strange how old memories come back. As I marched I recalled a parade I marched in July 4th, 1952 as a PFC in the U.S. Army. Recalling that event a few years ago I wrote this.