Category: Home
Doing the Math
It doesn’t take a mathematical genius or an Einstein to conclude that the most vulnerable to this virus that all America and most of the rest of the world is under attack from, are the aged who are asked to stay in their homes.
Art Fettig: Remembering Greg
When I perform monthly at our local Senior Day Care Center I share the songs I’ve written that Greg Brayton and I recorded from 1997- 2001. There were 57 songs in all and it was one of the happiest, most creative experiences of my lifetime.
What Goes Around Comes Around – by Dr. Ross Reck
You’ve all heard the saying, “What goes around, comes around.” It’s usually intended to mean that if you do something with the intent of hurting someone, negative consequences will someday come back to bite you. The same holds true when you are kind to someone. When you make someone feel good, they become happy and…
Say Something Good – America
This little section goes way back. It was 1976 when I first started writing good things about America as a part of my PROGRAMS America.
If You Want Your New Year to Be Happier, Focus on Being Kind – by Dr. Ross Reck
One thing that scientific research is very clear on is that relationships—warm personal relationships—make us happier and healthier. Research further points out that the frequency and quality of our interactions with other people are the two major predictors of our happiness.