Category: Religion
Christians Being Killed as Trump Continues US Pull Out
As of October 11, 2019, already Christians are being killed in the Turkey’s assault on on Kurdish-held areas in northeast Syria. [efn_note]Christianity Today, Jayson Caspter, October 11, 2019 – Christians Killed on Syria’s Front Lines – While Trump defends US withdrawal, advocates fear “Turkey will complete the work that ISIS tried to do, in eradicating…
Hate Speech from Franklin Graham
The beauty of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as clarified by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 is that there is “separation between church and state“. If a certain religion believes a certain way, they should not be influencing how our government enacts and enforces the law. After telling presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg to…
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Has A Member That Is Part of A Hate Group
The Family Research Council [efn_note]Southern Poverty Law Center – The Family Research Council (FRC) bills itself as “the leading voice for the family in our nation’s halls of power,” but its real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians.[/efn_note] has been listed as a anti-LGBT hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Tony Perkins, Chair…
Real Christians Don’t Define the Religious Right
Faithful America is the largest and fastest-growing online community of Christians putting faith into action for social justice. Their members are sick of sitting by quietly while Jesus’ message of good news is hijacked by the religious right to serve a hateful political agenda. They are organizing the faithful to challenge such extremism and renew…
LIRS Has Welcomed More Than 500,000 Refugees and Migrants
To donate, Click Here. For almost 80 years, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has been a champion for refugees and migrants from around the globe. Their legacy of compassionate service has made a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who have found safety and hope in America’s communities. Their history reflects…