Category: Reck, Ross; Dr.
Ross Reck: Failure Is A Learning Experience
Far too many people have bought into the myth that failure is fatal and is something that should be avoided. In reality, failure is the world’s most effective learning experience. Most of our greatest accomplishments were made possible through failure–learning to walk, ride a bike and drive. Why should the rest of our life be…
A Quick Fix for America
Pundits, politicians and even President Obama are all saying that getting the economy back on track is going to take a long, long time. This is very depressing and it’s not what the American people want to hear. They want to hear about a quick fix for the current situation—an instant turnaround that will put…
Ross Reck: Laughter Is A Powerful Medicine
There aren’t many medicines that even come close to delivering the benefits that laughter delivers. To start with, laughter makes us feel good, makes our burdens seem lighter and makes the difficult times seem less difficult. In addition, laughter strengthens the immune system, helps you heal more quickly, reduces food cravings, reduces stress, anxiety and…
Ross Reck: Kind People Never have to Face Adversity Alone
One of the things I have observed over the years is that when a kind person gets sick or otherwise faces adversity, people quickly line up to help them. On the other hand, when an unkind or selfish person faces adversity, nobody cares which means they have to face their adversity alone. This can be…
Happiness Causes Lots of Good Things to Happen in Your Life
We’ve all heard the phrase: “Don’t worry, be happy.” While it may sound trite, numerous medical and psychological studies show that this is sound advice to live by.