Category: Reck, Ross; Dr.
Good Relationships Keep Us Healthier and Happier by Ross Reck
The Harvard Study of Human Development has followed the lives of two generations of individuals from the same families for more than 80 years. The conclusions from this study have been published in a book titled, The Good Life by Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Schultz PhD. The authors point out in the first chapter that if…
You Have the Power to Make Your World a Brighter, Happier Place by Ross Reck
If you want to make your world a brighter, happier place, all you need to do are two things: 1) smile and 2) get to know the people you meet on a regular basis—the people who work at the grocery store, the bank, the post office, the restaurants you frequent, and so forth. You do…
Don’t Give Up on Your Dream When the Going Gets a Little Tough by Ross Reck
During the course of pursuing your dream, sooner or later, the going will get a little tough. When this occurs, it’s very tempting to think something like, “This is way too difficult; maybe I should just give up.” What most people don’t appreciate is that any dream worth pursuing is going to have some tough…
A Good Reason Why We All Need to Travel More by Ross Reck
Mark Twain had this to say about travel: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”
One Way to Make Your Life More Enjoyable by Ross Reck
One of the best ways to make your life more enjoyable is to make it easy for people to be kind to you. And the easiest way to do this is to be kind and positive. People absolutely love to be kind to positive people because it’s pleasant and fun. When you approach them, they…