Category: Reck, Ross; Dr.
When You Are Kind, People Will Remember You – By Ross Reck
Our family vacationed in Southwestern Michigan where my wife and I grew up for years. I would buy gas, bottled water and sodas at a Shell station which also had a convenience store. One of the ladies who worked behind the counter was especially friendly and we struck up a casual friendship.
The Importance of Taking That First Step – by Ross Reck
In life, one step leads to another, but you have to take that first step before it can lead to another. Sometimes our dreams appear so far away that they seem out of reach. When this happens, it’s important to remember that every journey has a starting point that begins with that first step.
Taking a Few Moments to Appreciate the Beauty Around You Can Set the Tone for the Rest of Your Day – by Ross Reck
I have always appreciated the phrase “stop and smell the roses.” Not long ago, I was out for a morning walk while feeling a bit frustrated because a project I was working on wasn’t progressing the way I wanted it to.
Invest In Relationships – by Ross Reck
Several years ago, when I was conducting a seminar in Atlanta, one of the participants stood up and asked, “how come there aren’t more millionaires?” As I mulled this question around in my mind, it began to occur to me that the reason there aren’t more millionaires, or highly successful people in any endeavor for that…
Being Kind Allows You to be You – By Ross Reck
Being kind allows you to be the real and complete you—open, honest, transparent, and free. You have no need to be validated because you’re confident in who you are—you are kind. There is no need to play games, no need to impress people, no need to try to be someone you’re not and no need…