Category: Reck, Ross; Dr.
Simple Kind Acts We Can Do to Make the World a Better Place – By Dr. Ross Reck
I saw the following list of kind acts that we all can easily do to make the world a better place posted on Facebook:
An Important Reason Why We Should All Be Kind – by Dr. Ross Reck
A friend of mine posted this quote by writer Nikki Banas on Facebook. It’s titled, Impact. I think it presents a very important reason why we all need to be kind.
You Don’t Have to Earn Your Joy – by Dr. Ross Reck
A wise woman named Cheryl Richardson said the following in her weekly blog at See if this sounds familiar. “I stood at the kitchen sink rinsing plates and putting them in the dishwasher when I noticed a familiar train of thought laying tracks in my head. Let’s see, I told myself, I’m done paying bills,…
An Example of a Great Attitude – by Dr. Ross Reck
A friend of mine made the following post on Facebook recently about her drive from the east coast to San Diego. It’s an excellent example of a great attitude. “I just finished driving across this beautiful country of ours—what a thrill!! The majority of drivers were courteous and yet too many were driving dangerously aggressive.