Category: Newsletter
Okay, Anti-Choice Folks! Let’s Talk About Foster Care
If you want the world full of unwanted kids, why don’t you step up to the plate and consider Foster Care and Adoption.
Ross Reck: Kind People Never have to Face Adversity Alone
One of the things I have observed over the years is that when a kind person gets sick or otherwise faces adversity, people quickly line up to help them. On the other hand, when an unkind or selfish person faces adversity, nobody cares which means they have to face their adversity alone. This can be…
Arizona for Reproductive Freedom Initiative
This amendment would provide a state constitutional right to reproductive freedom in Arizona, which includes but is not limited to the right to make and effectuate decisions regarding “prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.”
Abrams, Stacey
I was my high school’s valedictorian and in Georgia, that meant being invited to a reception at the Governor’s Mansion. My family didn’t have a car, so that morning, my parents and I took the bus from DeKalb to Buckhead. We arrived at the Governor’s Mansion and walked up the side of the driveway, next…
Baby Formula: Stop The Hoarding
“I’m concerned that the public has reached the ‘panic buying’ stage,” the foster mom tells PEOPLE. “Hoarding formula will only make the situation last longer — although I understand the very real fear of having a baby that you’re unable to feed.” Earlier this month, Dr. Bridget Young, a pediatrician specializing in infant nutrition, spoke…