Category: Media – Video / Music
Just Say No Rap / Just Say Yes Rap
Art Fettig is a professional speaker and the author of 22 published books. His Three Robot series of books for children are based on three fictional robots’ names, Pos, Semi-Pos and Neg. Fettig’s goal and mission in life is to bring positive living concepts to children and their parents.
Doing the Math
It doesn’t take a mathematical genius or an Einstein to conclude that the most vulnerable to this virus that all America and most of the rest of the world is under attack from, are the aged who are asked to stay in their homes.
Art Fettig and Greg Brayton: Pathetic?
“You’re the most pathetic person that I have ever met!” Who else but humorist, Art Fettig could tum that line into a love song? And who but super musician Greg Brayton and his two pathetic lovers, Billy Dean and Baby Jean, could make being pathetic a step up on the social register?
Christmas Song: Song of the Magi
When we came, we came through the cold, we came bearing gifts of gold, and frankincense and myrrh, and there were trumpets playing, there were angels looking down, on a west bank town, and he so loved the world.
Have A Good Life (Karaoke style without lead vocal) – by Greg Brayton and Art Fettig
From the album “Songs For Pathetic Lovers” featuring Greg Brayton and the songs of Art Fettig