Category: LGBTQ+
Is Obergefell v Hodges Going to be Overturned?
Michigan Representative Josh Schriver is set to introduce a resolution urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which has protected the right to same-sex marriage since 2015.
FLASHBACK: Plaintiffs in Lawsuit Featured in Flagstaff Exhibit
Twenty women who have faced extraordinary challenges and have overcome hardships are profiled in a new documentary-style exhibit at Flagstaff’s Pioneer Museum. It’s called “Resilience: Women in Flagstaff’s Past and Present.”
Respect for Marriage Act
This act provides statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages.
Sometimes We Just Need to Stop and Look – Aimé-Jules Dalou
The “Wedding Hall” on the first floor shows how inspired the French are – Love is Love. The pictures are worth a thousand words.