Category: General
Adobe Bridge Crashes on Startup
We have experience many crashes using Adobe Bridge 2019 and 2010. Extremely frustrating even when using some of the techniques offered by Adobe themselves on their website. We came across an Internet posting by Jim Doty, Jr. on his website that “seems” to do the trick for us. It appears he found this technique…
Mayor Pete: Maybe There Is HOPE!
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Steven Mnuchin Tries to Block Release of Heckling Video
Instead of simply dealing with several students heckling him, he tries to block the release of the video. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was taunted with hisses, heckles and profanity during a lecture and moderated discussion at U.C.L.A. this week. Protesters were carried out by armed police officers. A sixth grader in the audience questioned him…
Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream
In the spirit of Evicted, Bait and Switch, and The Big Short, a shocking, heart-wrenching investigation into America’s housing crisis and the modern-day robber barons who are making a fortune off the backs of the disenfranchised working and middle class—among them, Donald Trump and his inner circle. Two years before the housing market collapsed in…
Catholic Church Denies Joe Biden Communion
One of the holiest sacraments of the Christian Church is meant for everyone when Christ declared “do this in remembrance of me.” It is a shame for anyone to judge any human being. Sign the Petition Holy Communion is not a tool for punishing political opponents. We have seen this despicable behavior before, used by…