Category: Poems

  • Where Is The Love?

    Where Is The Love?

    Recently in an exercise class we were requested to stand behind our chairs and march in place. It is strange how old memories come back. As I marched I recalled a parade I marched in July 4th, 1952 as a PFC in the U.S. Army. Recalling that event a few years ago I wrote this.

  • The Volunteer

    The Volunteer

    Give a cheer, give a cheer, for the Volunteer For while others say they’ll see to it, Give a cheer, give a cheer for the Volunteer For they simply go out and do it!

  • A Toast To Seniors

    A Toast To Seniors

    A Poem by Art Fettig Here’s to the Seniors, Survivors all. Many answered Their Nation’s call.

  • Resources and Opportunities

    Resources and Opportunities

    “The greatest untapped resource we have in this world is the human potential.” I’ve said that many times in many situations and I’m not certain who said it first but it is a mighty challenging thought. When one gets in the upper ages one might ponder those paths untaken.

  • Retirement?


    Can you even imagine?  I’ve been retired from the railroad for over 37 years now. Haven’t really worked a day since then, 1983. . When you are doing something, you really love to do, I figure, it isn’t really work although I admit that I have put in some eighteen hour and twenty-hour days.