Category: Fettig, Art

  • Being Touched

    Being Touched

    As I was thinking about what I was about to write I caught myself staring at the wall beside my computer but seeing nothing. Just staring into space, searching for a creative spark, sort of, and when I focused in I realized that I was staring at the thirty plus photos of family, friends and…

  • Rehearsals


    A decade or two ago when I was on the road speaking a lot I used to go to bed early and plan to rehearse speech segments in my mind.  I would actually see myself out on a stage delivering prepared material.

  • In God We Trust

    In God We Trust

    I’m sitting here at my desk in my office in my home here in the quiet woods in Hillsborough, North Carolina and I seem to be lost for the right words. I have written this segment again and again.These are troubled days for all Americans.

  • I Didn’t Do It!

    I Didn’t Do It!

    Did you ever do anything in your lifetime so much better than you ever did it before that you couldn’t understand it?  My son Dan hit a hole in one on the golf course where he plays regularly in Battle Creek, Michigan.  He was absolutely amazed and so was his golfing partner. 

  • Been Workin’ On The Railroad

    Been Workin’ On The Railroad

    On the morning of February 16th, 1948 l reported for work in the General Claims Department Office of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad in Detroit, Michigan.  Thirty Five years later I retired from the GTWRR. I’d worked my way up to the job of Corporate Communications Officer, reporting directly to the railroad president..  When someone…