Category: Fettig, Art

  • An Instrument Of Thy Peace

    An Instrument Of Thy Peace

    In this time of turmoil let us pray.. I believe that right now this might be the greatest crisis that we have faced as a nation.  Fear appears to have overcome this whole world and it is a time for prayer. Early in my life I discovered this Prayer of St. Francis and only recently…

  • My First School Speech

    My First School Speech

    My academic career left a lot to be desired.  Not only was I a poor student but I was a troublesome one too.  My graduation yearbook lists my achievement as spending the most time in the jug (after school detention) than anyone in the history of the University of Detroit High School; a dubious distinction…

  • Sub for a Pres

    Sub for a Pres

    In 1975 then President of the United States, Gerald Ford had to cancel his speech for the Michigan Petroleum Association’s Annual meeting at the Grand Hotel,  Mackinac Island, Michigan. The Petroleum Association President  called me and hired me to speak as the replacement for President Ford.

  • Serenity


    God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

  • Easing Into 2020

    Easing Into 2020

    It is just January 2nd as I write this but this is my third day of high productivity. I cheated and started early. First thing I did was weigh myself.