Category: Fettig, Art
The Story – by Art Fettig
In reviewing a CD of a talk I gave for the U.S. Army in Atlanta years ago, I found that one of my points involved getting feedback. I took a half-filled water pitcher and a glass and I began filling the glass with water. When the water reached the top of the glass I went…
Learning Opportunities – by Art Fettig
I never attended college. I earned just one-half credit for attending a course on Overcoming the Fear of Computers at our Community College.
Walking In Another’s Shoes
Many years ago in Michigan I was a member of the Battle Creek chapter of the Lions organization. We had an annual meeting where each of us was assigned a blind person in our community to bring as a guest to dinner at the hotel where we met. Instead of bringing a guest I made…
My 50th Anniversary as a Professional Speaker – by Art Fettig
Little did I know that evening at Bryant,Ohio when I stood in front of that audience some fifty years ago that I was embarking on a great adventure that would require travel to 50 of our United States, 7 Canadian Provinces and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hong Kong to the Arctic Circle and hither and yon.
Say Something Good – “Far Enough South”
North Carolina. When I was widowed in 1993 I buried myself in work and it was several years before I took to courtin’. One thing I knew though was that I was tired of the cold Michigan winter weather and snow.