Category: Fettig, Art
My 50th Anniversary as a Professional Speaker – by Art Fettig
Little did I know that evening at Bryant,Ohio when I stood in front of that audience some fifty years ago that I was embarking on a great adventure that would require travel to 50 of our United States, 7 Canadian Provinces and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hong Kong to the Arctic Circle and hither and yon.
Say Something Good – “Far Enough South”
North Carolina. When I was widowed in 1993 I buried myself in work and it was several years before I took to courtin’. One thing I knew though was that I was tired of the cold Michigan winter weather and snow.
Precious Moments
Did you ever try to locate something and you just couldn’t find it, but you found something much better? Well that happened and I found a little book my daughter Nancy presented to me on my birthday ten years ago. It is precious. What a perfect thing to read for Father’s Day. There is no…
More Happiness
God, how the world needs a good shot of happiness and positive thinking right now, this minute, if not sooner. Enough gloom. Let’s think about sunshine and happiness and smiling too. Let’s think about that greatness that is in you.
Our Hummin’ Love Song
Are you staying home as you read this because of the coronavirus? Well for folks married or otherwise this can be quite a challenge. It might be quite a strain. I’ve read that the sales of alcohol, illegal drugs and porno are soaring. Mental health problems, suicide and spouse abuse are skyrocketing. Oh where is…