Category: Fettig, Art

  • Aging


    Lately I have noticed that people have changed their manner of greeting me when I walk up to them at a yard sale or such. Over the years I have become accustomed to greetings like “Whatta ya say man?”

  • Circus – by Art Fettig

    Circus – by Art Fettig

    I watched the movie Jumbo about a circus elephant and my wife Jean asked me “Art, did you see a circus very often when you were a kid?” And BOOM!!! It all came rushing back to my memory. I had a booking for the Michigan School Administrators or Principals, someone, and it was at the…

  • The Philosophy of Touching by Art Fettig

    The Philosophy of Touching by Art Fettig

    Art Fettig was certified as a “Speaking Professional” in 1980 by the National Speakers Association. He is the veteran of some 4,000 professional presentations in all 50 of the United States, 8 Canadian Provinces and a number of foreign countries. He is a prolific author with 35 books including many children’s books.

  • Don’t Wait Too Long – Art Fettig and Greg Brayton

    Don’t Wait Too Long – Art Fettig and Greg Brayton

    Did you ever get the news that someone you’ve known for a long time had passed away and you got the feeling inside that that friend had just waited too long? Maybe it was that they just waited too long to use their special talent waiting for somebody to pay them big bucks for trying.

  • Yard Sailin’

    Yard Sailin’

    Music by Art Fettig and Greg Brayton It is strange, sometimes, when seeing something triggers your memory to something else that happened years, years ago. I recently pulled up an old movie on Turner Classic Movies named “Please Don’t Eat The Daisies.” It starred Doris Day and was taken from a book by Jean Kerr. …